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    Autoeficacia del profesorado de Educación Física en Chile hacia la inclusión de niñas, niños y adolescentes con discapacidad
    (2024-07-05) Muñoz Hinrichsen, Fernando Ignacio; Martínez Aros, Alan; Herrera Miranda, Felipe
    Objetivos: Analizar la percepción de autoeficacia del profesorado de educación física, conocer si la aplicación de un programa de formación incide sobre esta variable para la inclusión de niñas, niños, y adolescentes con discapacidad, y observar si existen diferencias según sexo biológico, y entre quienes tuvieron capacitaciones previas o posteriores en el contexto universitario. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo transversal, de alcance correlacional donde participaron 147 profesores de educación física (58.5% hombres; edad promedio de 35.9 ± 9.4) del programa del Ministerio del Deporte de Chile “Crecer en Movimiento” de todas las regiones a quienes se les aplico la “Escala de Autoeficacia en Profesores de Educación Física hacia Alumnos con Discapacidad” (SE-PETE-D) para evaluar la autoeficacia sobre la aplicación del programa. Resultados: Se observan diferencias significativas para las subescalas de discapacidad visual, física e intelectual (p<0.001), y de la misma forma al analizar la muestra en las regiones de Coquimbo (p=.0007), en la de Valparaíso (p=.0007), Maule (p=.03), Bio-Bio (p=.04), Metropolitana (p<.0001) y de Los Ríos (p=.02). Conclusión: De acuerdo con los hallazgos de este estudio, con el programa de formación en actividad física adaptada se aumentan los niveles de autoeficacia en el profesorado.
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    Enhanced Astrocyte Activity and Excitatory Synaptic Function in the Hippocampus of Pentylenetetrazole Kindling Model of Epilepsy
    (2023-09-25) Díaz, Franco; Aguilar, Freddy; Wellmann, Mario; Martorell, Andrés; González-Arancibia, Camila; Chacana-Véliz, Lorena; Negrón-Oyarzo, Ignacio; Chávez, Andrés E.; Fuenzalida, Marco; Nualart, Francisco; Sotomayor-Zárate, Ramón; Bonansco, Christian
    Epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent spontaneous seizures. The interaction between astrocytes and neurons has been suggested to play a role in the abnormal neuronal activity observed in epilepsy. However, the exact way astrocytes influence neuronal activity in the epileptogenic brain remains unclear. Here, using the PTZ-induced kindling mouse model, we evaluated the interaction between astrocyte and synaptic function by measuring astrocytic Ca2+ activity, neuronal excitability, and the excitatory/inhibitory balance in the hippocampus. Compared to control mice, hippocampal slices from PTZ-kindled mice displayed an increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) levels and an abnormal pattern of intracellular Ca2+-oscillations, characterized by an increased frequency of prolonged spontaneous transients. PTZ-kindled hippocampal slices also showed an increase in the E/I ratio towards excitation, likely resulting from an augmented release probability of excitatory inputs without affecting inhibitory synapses. Notably, the alterations in the release probability seen in PTZ-kindled slices can be recovered by reducing astrocyte hyperactivity with the reversible toxin fluorocitrate. This suggests that astroglial hyper-reactivity enhances excitatory synaptic transmission, thereby impacting the E/I balance in the hippocampus. Altogether, our findings support the notion that abnormal astrocyte–neuron interactions are pivotal mechanisms in epileptogenesis.
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    Multi-finger synergies and the muscular apparatus of the hand
    (2018-03-12) Cuadra, Cristian; Bartsch, Angelo; Tiemann, Paula; Reschechtko, Sasha; Latash, ·Mark L.
    We explored whether the synergic control of the hand during multi-finger force production tasks depends on the hand muscles involved. Healthy subjects performed accurate force production tasks and targeted force pulses while pressing against loops positioned at the level of fingertips, middle phalanges, and proximal phalanges. This varied the involvement of the extrinsic and intrinsic finger flexors. The framework of the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) hypothesis was used to analyze the structure of inter-trial variance, motor equivalence, and anticipatory synergy adjustments prior to the force pulse in the spaces of finger forces and finger modes (hypothetical finger-specific control signals). Subjects showed larger maximal force magnitudes at the proximal site of force production. There were synergies stabilizing total force during steady-state phases across all three sites of force production; no differences were seen across the sites in indices of structure of variance, motor equivalence, or anticipatory synergy adjustments. Indices of variance, which did not affect the task (within the UCM), correlated with motor equivalent motion between the steady states prior to and after the force pulse; in contrast, variance affecting task performance did not correlate with non-motor equivalent motion. The observations are discussed within the framework of hierarchical control with referent coordinates for salient effectors at each level. The findings suggest that multi-finger synergies are defined at the level of abundant transformation between the low-dimensional hand level and higher dimensional finger level while being relatively immune to transformations between the finger level and muscle level. The results also support the scheme of control with two classes of neural variables that define referent coordinates and gains in back-coupling loops between hierarchical control levels.
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    Análisis de instrumentos evaluativos empleados en ciencias durante la pandemia: selección múltiple, indicadores y rendimiento
    (2023-01-10) Urrejola-Contreras, Gabriela Paz; Pérez-Lizama, Miguel Angel
    Introducción: Las evaluaciones de opción múltiple constituyen el instrumento ampliamente usado en ciencias para evaluar al estudiantado; sin embargo, la reciente pandemia exigió adaptar este tipo de instrumento al entorno virtual. Este contexto requirió valorar la calidad de los instrumentos mediante índices de discriminación, consistencia interna y relacionarlo con el rendimiento académico. Objetivo: Evaluar los instrumentos de evaluación empleados en modalidad online durante la pandemia por COVID-19, y el rendimiento de los estudiantes en ciencias de la salud. Método: Se realizó la revisión de los 5 instrumentos de la asignatura Estructura y Función formados por 290 bancos de preguntas aleatorias para evaluar cada contenido en estudiantes de primer año durante el 2020 en la escuela de ciencias de la salud en la Universidad Viña del Mar. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos a partir de la plataforma virtual y se interpretaron los índices de discriminación, facilidad, eficiencia discriminativa, consistencia interna y rendimiento académico mediante un informe que fue compartido con los docentes para identificar los parámetros de calidad y validez. Resultados: Del total de bancos de preguntas evaluados, un 70.2% de las preguntas presentaron adecuada discriminación y solo un 5.6% debieran ser eliminadas. El certamen dos obtuvo el menor rendimiento promedio 3.9 ± 0.99; sin embargo, presentó la consistencia interna más alta: 81%. Al comparar todos los instrumentos se observó una mejora gradual en la formulación, reflejada en el examen final, en el que además el rendimiento académico concuerda con el promedio del semestre 4.2 ± 0.92. Conclusiones: El rendimiento académico debe ponderarse en relación con la calidad del instrumento formulado en el que, a menor índice de facilidad, existe una mayor consistencia interna, representado por la mayor eficiencia discriminativa de las preguntas. El proceso de diseño y formulación de los instrumentos debe cuidar y examinar estas pautas para resguardar criterios de calidad.
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    Análisis de las Variaciones Anatómicas y Dimensionales del Canal Nasopalatino Mediante Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico
    (2023-06) Godoy, Iván E.; Valenzuela, Kimberly A.; Arce, Cecilia P.; Arqueros, Marcelo R.; Rodríguez, Macarena C.; Niklander, Sven E.; Meléndez, Patricio A.
    El conocimiento anatómico del canal nasopalatino (CNP) es fundamental para la realización de cirugías en el sector anterior del maxilar y así prever posibles complicaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar y determinar las variaciones anatómicas y dimensionales del CNP según sexo, edad y estado dental. Este estudio transversal analizó un total de 251 imágenes de TCHC obtenidas de la base de datos del Servicio de Imagenología Oral y Maxilofacial de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. Para evaluar la asociación estadística entre variaciones del CNP con sexo, edad y estado dentario se realizó la prueba T de Student, chi-cuadrado y ANOVA (p<0,5). El CNP mostró variabilidad en cuanto a morfología y dimensiones. La forma más predominante del CNP fue cilíndrica (65,33 %) y la forma más frecuente de la curvatura del canal en el plano sagital fue recto inclinado (54,98 %). La longitud media fue de 10,92 ± 2,82 mm, siendo mayor en hombres (p<0,01). La variación anatómica más frecuente en el plano coronal fue el tipo canal único (57,76 %). El efecto del sexo sobre la distancia entre la pared anterior del CNP y la cresta vestibular del maxilar no fue significativo (p>0,05). Además, se detectó diferencia significativa entre el estado dentario y la dimensión de la tabla vestibular en relación con el CNP (p<0,01). Se deben considerar las variaciones de CNP para evitar posibles complicaciones durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos.
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    Construction and Validation of an Occupational Risks Scale for Intra-hospital Nursing Staff
    (2023-06-20) Cuadros-Carlesi, Katya; Henríquez-Roldán, Carlos; Meneses Ciuffardi, Elena; Fuentes Ibáñez, Jaime; Ruiz-Araya, Paola
    Objective. To construct and evaluate initial validity indicators of an instrument on occupational risks for hospital nursing staff. Methods. A methodological study was conducted in four Chilean hospitals. The study was carried out in three stages: (i) integrative literature review on risk assessment instruments for nursing; (ii) descriptive qualitative study on 113 health professionals to identify their work conditions and experiences regarding occupational risks and construct three instruments proposals for nursing managers, clinical nurses, and technicians; and (iii) validity and reliability study of the three instruments in 503 nurses and nursing technicians. To collect the data from the qualitative study, individual interviews, focal groups, and non-participant observation were conducted. The data were analyzed thematically into predefined risk categories. Content validation was performed through expert judgment, and exploratory factor analysis of principal components was conducted for the preliminary construct validity study. Cronbachs alpha was used as an indicator of internal consistency. Results. A total of 128 items were identified, distributed across 11 categories and 25 subcategories of occupational risks for the three instruments derived from the original proposal. After expert validation, pilot study, and instrument administration, Cronbach's alpha values between 0.88 and 0.93 were obtained. Exploratory factor analysis distinguished eight to eleven components, with unsatisfactory goodness-of-fit indicators. Conclusion. The instruments demonstrated good parameters of content validity and reliability, although their construct validity needs further improvement.
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    Wettability of Amino Acid-Functionalized PSMA Electrospun Fibers for the Modulated Release of Active Agents and Its Effect on Their Bioactivity
    (2023-06-05) Santander, Sebastián; Padilla-Manzano, Nicolás; Díaz, Bastián; Bacchiega, Renato; Jara, Elizabeth; Álvarez, Luis Felipe; Pinto, Cristóbal; Forero, Juan C.; Santana, Paula; Hamm, Eugenio; Urzúa, Marcela; Tamayo, Laura
    The ideal treatment for chronic wounds is based on the use of bioactive dressings capable of releasing active agents. However, the control of the rate at which these active agents are released is still a challenge. Bioactive polymeric fiber mats of poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) [PSMA] functionalized with amino acids of different hydropathic indices and L-glutamine, L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine levels allowed obtaining derivatives of the copolymers named PSMA@Gln, PSMA@Phe and PSMA@Tyr, respectively, with the aim of modulating the wettability of the mats. The bioactive characteristics of mats were obtained by the incorporation of the active agents Calendula officinalis (Cal) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). A higher wettability for PSMA@Gln was observed, which is in accordance with the hydropathic index value of the amino acid. However, the release of AgNPs was higher for PSMA and more controlled for functionalized PSMA (PSMAf), while the release curves of Cal did not show behavior related to the wettability of the mats due to the apolar character of the active agent. Finally, the differences in the wettability of the mats also affected their bioactivity, which was evaluated in bacterial cultures of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33592, an NIH/3T3 fibroblast cell line and red blood cells.
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    Use of Chitosan from Southern King Crab to Develop Films Functionalized with RGD Peptides for Potential Tissue Engineering Applications
    (2023-07-21) Forero, Juan Carlos; Carvajal, Karina; Guzmán, Fanny; Acevedo, Cristian; Osses, Nelson; Santana, Paula
    Southern King Crab (SKC) represents an important fishery resource that has the potential to be a natural source of chitosan (CS) production. In tissue engineering, CS is very useful to generate biomaterials. However, CS has a lack of signaling molecules that facilitate cell–substrate interaction. Therefore, RGD (arginine–glycine–aspartic acid) peptides corresponding to the main integrin recognition site in extracellular matrix proteins have been used to improve the CS surface. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro cell adhesion and proliferation of CS films synthesized from SKC shell wastes functionalized with RGD peptides. The FTIR spectrum of CS isolated from SKC shells (SKC-CS) was comparable to commercial CS. Thermal properties of films showed similar endothermic peaks at 53.4 and 53.0 °C in commercial CS and SKC-CS, respectively. The purification and molecular masses of the synthesized RGD peptides were confirmed using HPLC and ESI-MS mass spectrometry, respectively. Mouse embryonic fibroblast cells showed higher adhesion on SKC-CS (1% w/v) film when it was functionalized with linear RGD peptides. In contrast, a cyclic RGD peptide showed similar adhesion to control peptide (RDG), but the highest cell proliferation was after 48 h of culture. This study shows that functionalization of SKC-CS films with linear or cyclic RGD peptides are useful to improve effects on cell adhesion or cell proliferation. Furthermore, our work contributes to knowledge of a new source of CS to synthesize constructs for tissue engineering applications.
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    Percepción de la calidad de vida en para-deportistas y no deportistas chilenos con lesión cerebral
    (2022-07-26) Cornejo, María Isabel; Henríquez, Matías; Herrera, Felipe; Muñoz, Fernando; Bernardes, Nathalia; Auricchio, José Ricardo; Castelli Correia de Campos, Luis Felipe
    La calidad de vida (CV) y la actividad física son aspectos relevantes en la salud de la población, y esta última con un impacto positivo en las personas con discapacidad. Debido a esto, los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar las características e identificar la asociación entre los dominios de la percepción de la CV entre un grupo de personas con lesión cerebral que practican fútbol, para-deportistas (PD) y personas con lesión cerebral no para-deportistas (NPD), además determinar si existen diferencias en la percepción de la CV según las diferentes clases deportivas (FT1, FT2 y FT3). El estudio se desarrolló en Chile, donde se aplicó el cuestionario WHOQOL-BREF para determinar la CV de los participantes. Los resultados identificaron una relación positiva y significativa entre los distintos dominios de la CV (p < .001, r = .44 - .67). Además, se observó una mejor percepción de la CV en los PD (p < .001, TE = 1.18, grande) en comparación con lo reportado por el grupo NPD. Por otro lado, no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre los dominios para las diferentes clases deportivas en el grupo PD. Estos datos refuerzan la idea de que la práctica deportiva influye en la participación social y en la percepción de la CV en PD con lesión cerebral. El desarrollo conjunto de los factores asociados entre la salud y el bienestar socioemocional podrían colaborar con la consolidación de la práctica deportiva y de actividad física, los cuales, a su vez son beneficiosos para las personas con discapacidad tal como lo plantean los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible en su agenda de trabajo provista al año 2030.
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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma in coca chewers from a north region of Argentina: A case series and review of literature
    (2022-02-28) Molina-Ávila, Ignacio; Arellano Rojas, Andrea; Gilligan, Gerardo; Cordero-Torres, Karina
    Chewing coca leaves is a habit still practiced in Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. There is scarce evidence in the relationship between this habit and development of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), some authors have found oral epithelial changes in coca chewers. This study aimed to present a case series of patients with a coca chewing habit that developed OSCC, in the absence of risk factors for oral cancer. Patients were evaluated in Hospital Señor del Milagro, Salta, Argentina. None of them had a relevant morbid history and presented intraoral tumors, with an ulcerated surface on the gingivobuccal complex. Coca chewing habit was recorded in all cases. Present cases could start discussions and new lines of researches focusing on the habit of coca leaves chewing as a risk factor for OSCC. It would be very useful to know the underlying mechanisms between this habit and a possible role in oral carcinogenesis.
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    Adaptation to Chilean Spanish of Dynamic Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (DLOTCA)
    (2022-03-11) Neumann-Collyer, Vivian; Moena González, Boris Paolo; Alvarez Espinoza, Evelyn; Cruz San Martin, Gabriela Paz; Rauch-Gajardo, Maria Francisca; Hernández-Pérez, Karla
    Objective To adapt the tenth version in English of the Dynamic Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment to Chilean Spanish. Method The DLOTCA application manual was adapted into Spanish. The process followed the general guidelines for the translation and adaptation of instruments of the World Health Organization (WHO), with direct translation, a panel discussion of experts, back translation, pre-tests, and cognitive interviews with users. Results A direct translation into Spanish was obtained by two bilingual occupational therapists that were subjected to adjustments by a panel of experts composed of 6 occupational therapists, of the total of 28 sub-tests, the expert committee had no discrepancy in 20 of them, of which 8 remaining modifications were made. A back translation of the version obtained is carried out, where there were only discrepancies with one term, which was resolved by the research team. Finally, a pre-test was applied to 13 adults with brain damage, the adjustments in this stage were spelling and substitution of some terms for words more commonly used in the Chilean language, verifying the consistency in the understanding of the items independently of the results obtained. Three versions were produced before the final version, all stages were developed in a systematic way, achieving an understandable and consistent translation with the Chilean population. Conclusions A version in Chilean Spanish of the DLOTCA instrument has finally been made available to the scientific community.
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    Characterization and general health conditions of workers in a Chilean industrial area: a worrying reality
    (2022) Urrejola-Contreras, Gabriela Paz; Pérez-Lizama, Miguel Angel; Tiscornia-González, Caterina; Vásquez-Leiva, Alejandra; Pérez-Casanova, Daniela; Pincheira-Guzmán, Erika
    Introduction: Within the occupational field, changes in the characteristics of work have revealed risks associated with static, repetitive work and little physical activity, which together with individual health conditions of workers can trigger diseases and musculoskeletal disorders. Objectives: To obtain a preliminary characterization of workers in an industrial area, including theirhealth and working conditions. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, developed with 69 men who worked in the industrial area of Viña del Mar, Chile. A clinical and occupational evaluation was carried out with the application of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire as well as the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire. Results: The following risk factors were identified: 53.6% of the workers were smokers, 92.8% presented low levels of physical activity, and 70.3% reported feeling pain in body segments that were physically required during their work tasks. Among all workers, 63% were overweight according to their body mass index and 62% presented high systolic pressure. Pain was mostly detected in the spine, and it was slightly associated with forklift operation by older workers (t-test p < 0.05). Conclusions: Workers were in the presence of cardiovascular and occupational risks. It is necessary to promote timely education and training on health conditions and to evaluate risks associated with machinery operation in order to prevent work-related pain.
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    Exploration of the motivations in the adherence of patients to periodontal maintenance therapy
    (2022-12-30) Oñate, Héctor; Cuadro, Macarena; Hasell, Francisca; Fuentes, Francisco
    Introduction: Although it has been shown that the supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) is essential to maintain the results obtained by periodontal therapy, patient adherence to SPT is not usually satisfactory (4). The objective of this research is to explore the motivations in the adherence to periodontal maintenance of patients treated at Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM) during the year 2020. Material and Methods: A study based on the qualitative paradigm was carried out using a design based on discourse analysis through semi-structured interviews. A sample size of 10 participants was consolidated, by obtaining with them the saturation of data collected and of 4 main dimensions. Each interview was transcribed ad verbatim and later analyzed through the Atlas.ti 9 Software. Results: Four main categories or dimensions were created Motivations of the patients to produce a change in their oral health; Information that the patients have regarding their oral health; Oral hygiene habits acquired after periodontal treatment; Situations that prevent adherence to periodontal treatment. Conclusion: The main motivations of patients to adhere to supportive periodontal therapy are related to the education and information they acquire in the first phase of periodontal treatment. Observing the changes during treatment, improving oral health, improving aesthetics and functionality, are other important motivations, as well as the patients' fear of losing their teeth and the desire to educate their family.
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    Average and Interindividual Effects to a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program
    (2022-12-24) Tuesta, Marcelo; Alvarez, Cristian; Pedemonte, Oneglio; Araneda, Oscar F.; Manríquez-Villarroel, Pablo; Berthelon, Paulina; Reyes, Alvaro
    Background: To describe the average effects and the interindividual variability after a comprehensive outpatient cardiovascular rehabilitation (CCR) program using concurrent exercise training prescribed according to cardiovascular risk stratification on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), anthropometric/body composition, quality of life and emotional health in patients of four cardiovascular disease profiles. Methods: CRF, anthropometric/body composition, quality of life, and emotional health were measured before and after a CCR and analyzed in heart valve surgery (HVS), heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), post-acute myocardial infarction (post-AMI), and in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. Twenty, twenty-four, and thirty-two exercise sessions were prescribed according to mild, moderate, and severe baseline cardiovascular risk, respectively. In addition to concurrent exercise training, nutritional counseling, psychological support, and lifestyle education programs were performed. Results: The main outcomes by delta changes comparisons (Δ) revealed no significant differences at anthropometric/body composition as ΔBody fat decreases (HVS Δ−1.1, HFrEF Δ−1.0, post-AMI Δ−1.4, CAD Δ−1.2 kg) and ΔSkeletal muscle mass increases (HVS Δ+1.4, HFrEF Δ+0.8, post-AMI Δ+0.9, CAD Δ+0.9 kg), and CRF performance as ΔVO2peak increases (HVS Δ+4.3, HFrEF Δ+4.8, post-AMI Δ+4.1, CAD Δ+5.1 mL/kg/min) outcomes among HVS, HFrEF, post-AMI, and CAD (p > 0.05). Secondary outcomes showed significant pre-post delta changes in METs (HVS Δ+1.8, HFrEF Δ+0.7, post-AMI Δ+1.4, CAD Δ+1.4), and maximal O2pulse (HVS Δ+3.1, post-AMI Δ+2.1, CAD Δ+1.9). In addition, quality of life had a significant improvement in physical functioning (HVS Δ+17.0, HFrEF Δ+12.1, post-AMI Δ+9.8, CAD Δ+11.2), physical role (HVS Δ+28.4, HFrEF Δ+26.8, post-AMI Δ+25.6, CAD Δ+25.3), vitality (HVS Δ+18.4, HFrEF Δ+14.3, post-AMI Δ+14.2, CAD Δ+10.6) and social functioning (HVS Δ+20.4, HFrEF Δ+25.3, post-AMI Δ+20.4, CAD Δ+14.8) in all cardiovascular disease. For anxiety (HVS Δ−3.6, HFrEF Δ−2.3, post-AMI Δ−3.0, CAD Δ−3.1) and depression (HVS Δ−2.8, HFrEF Δ−3.4, post-AMI Δ−3.2, CAD Δ−2.3) significant changes were also observed. Conclusions: A CCR program that prescribes the number of exercise sessions using a cardiovascular risk stratification improves CRF, QoL, and emotional health, and the average results show a wide interindividual variability (~25% of non-responders) in this sample of four CVD profile of patients.
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    Análisis de instrumentos evaluativos empleados en ciencias durante la pandemia: selección múltiple, indicadores y rendimiento
    (2023-06) Urrejola-Contreras, Gabriela Paz; Pérez-Lizama, Miguel Ángel
    Introducción: Las evaluaciones de opción múltiple constituyen el instrumento ampliamente usado en ciencias para evaluar al estudiantado; sin embargo, la reciente pandemia exigió adaptar este tipo de instrumento al entorno virtual. Este contexto requirió valorar la calidad de los instrumentos mediante índices de discriminación, consistencia interna y relacionarlo con el rendimiento académico. Objetivo: Evaluar los instrumentos de evaluación empleados en modalidad online durante la pandemia por COVID-19, y el rendimiento de los estudiantes en ciencias de la salud. Método: Se realizó la revisión de los 5 instrumentos de la asignatura Estructura y Función formados por 290 bancos de preguntas aleatorias para evaluar cada contenido en estudiantes de primer año durante el 2020 en la escuela de ciencias de la salud en la Universidad Viña del Mar. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos a partir de la plataforma virtual y se interpretaron los índices de discriminación, facilidad, eficiencia discriminativa, consistencia interna y rendimiento académico mediante un informe que fue compartido con los docentes para identificar los parámetros de calidad y validez. Resultados: Del total de bancos de preguntas evaluados, un 70.2% de las preguntas presentaron adecuada discriminación y solo un 5.6% debieran ser eliminadas. El certamen dos obtuvo el menor rendimiento promedio 3.9 ± 0.99; sin embargo, presentó la consistencia interna más alta: 81%. Al comparar todos los instrumentos se observó una mejora gradual en la formulación, reflejada en el examen final, en el que además el rendimiento académico concuerda con el promedio del semestre 4.2 ± 0.92. Conclusiones: El rendimiento académico debe ponderarse en relación con la calidad del instrumento formulado en el que, a menor índice de facilidad, existe una mayor consistencia interna, representado por la mayor eficiencia discriminativa de las preguntas. El proceso de diseño y formulación de los instrumentos debe cuidar y examinar estas pautas para resguardar criterios de calidad.
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    Postural stress and risk conditions in manual load handling of Chilean industrial
    (2023) Urrejola-Contreras, GP; Pérez-Casanova, DC; Pérez-Lizama, MA; Zambra, BG
    Introduction: Although, there is a current regulatory framework for optimal manual handling of loads to preserve health conditions in the industrial sector, technical assessment and the use of certain instruments are still required for the diagnosis of occupational hazards. This study aimed to identify the occupational hazards associated with manual load handling in industry workers and estimate those resulting from postural stress. Methods: Fifty-two (52) industry workers took part in this cross-sectional study. All participants were evaluated using the Manual Handling Guide and the Reba assessment tool. Subjects were characterized, and risks associated with different tasks were detected. Results: 59.6% of workers were between 18 and 45 years old. Lifting, lowering, and transporting loads activities had a repetitive task risk of 94%, exceeding the weight limit in 85.7% of cases. Pushing and pulling activities, mostly showed a working postural risk of 82% and a high perception of initial effort (Borg> 8). Reba score warned to intervene immediately in both types of tasks. Conclusion: Risk from the manual handling of loads found in this study constitutes an alert that suggests reviewing compliance with the current regulation, as well as effective use of working pauses and the improvement of strategies to minimize physical efforts used by workers.
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    The impact of the learning environment sudden shifts on students’ performance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
    (2023-02-13) Pérez, Miguel A.; Tiemann, Paula; Urrejola-Contreras, Gabriela P.
    Introduction This study aims to determine the effect of sudden changes in learning environments on students’ performance, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. We present an analysis of the kinesiology program, focusing on the learning modality changes through the years, and its impact on students’ performance. Methods We analyzed three periods over five years. During the Pre-pandemic period (2018-2019), classes had been taught in-person, during the pandemic (2020-2021) classes had been taught online, and during end of lockdown (2022) classes had return to in-person modality. In addition, we also examined the academic performance outcomes by gender during the three periods. Results We found that the academic performance significantly increased in all cohort of career, increasing the average grade from 4.7 ± 0.08 (2018 to 2019, in-person) to 5.15 ± 0.07 during the pandemic period, from 2020 to 2021, when online modality was utilized. Furthermore, when returning to in-person classes in 2022, the academic performance reduced significantly to 4.6 ± 0.17. We also found that gender did not have an influence on academic performance in any of the learning environments presented. However, during clinical internships, we found that gender had a significantly effect on academic performance. Conclusion Based on these results, we conclude that the sudden shift from in-person learning to online learning modality helped improved the learning performance of student, reflecting those results on better students’ performance scores that could be associated with the enhanced efficient use of time.
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    Percepción de los fonoaudiólogos en relación con las características de las pruebas estandarizadas de evaluación propuestas por la normativa vigente en Chile
    (2023-03-01) Herrera-Lillo, Antonieta; Leal-Kaymalyz, Carla Gislaine
    Objetivo: analizar la percepción de los fonoaudiólogos respecto a las pruebas estructuradas propuestas por la normativa vigente en Chile utilizadas para la evaluación y diagnóstico del lenguaje infantil. Métodos: se aplicó un cuestionario para evaluar la percepción de las tres pruebas (Test de comprensión auditiva del lenguaje, Test para evaluar procesos de simplificación fonológica y Screening Test of Spanish Grammar) y contrastar sus diferencias con el test de Friedman y para comparar el post hoc se utilizó el test suma de rango de Wilcoxon. Además, se estudió la correlación de las puntuaciones con el coeficiente Rho de Spearman con nivel de confianza prefijado del 5%. Resultados: la puntuación Likert promedio más alta la obtuvo la prueba Test para evaluar procesos de simplificación fonológica revisado en la mayoría de los ítems evaluados, excepto en la pregunta relacionada al tiempo excesivo de aplicación. El 91% de los participantes expresan la necesidad de contar con una versión digital en las tres pruebas estructuradas. Finalmente, la correlación de las puntuaciones es más alta y significativa entre las pruebas: Test de comprensión auditiva del lenguaje y Screening Test of Spanish Grammar. Conclusión: la percepción de los participantes es más positiva en el Test para evaluar procesos de simplificación fonológica revisado, respecto a las otras pruebas. Finalmente, opinan que las pruebas deben ser digitalizadas.
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    Relación entre Dimensiones Antropométricas de Tronco y Valores de Espirometría
    (2023-04) Manríquez-Villarroel, Pablo; Tuesta, Marcelo; Reyes-Ponce, Álvaro; Núñez-Burgos, Claudio
    Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron primero evaluar la asociación de dimensiones antropométricas de tórax y tronco con índices espirométricos, segundo, ajustar una ecuación de predicción con dimensiones antropométricas de tronco y tercero, comparar nuestro modelo predictivo con dos ecuaciones diagnósticas. Se evaluaron 59 estudiantes universitarios entre 20 y 40 años, de ambos sexos, sin hábito tabáquico. Las variables consideradas fueron: edad, sexo, peso, estatura, diámetro transverso de tórax, diámetro anteroposterior de tórax, perímetro de tórax, altura de tórax, altura de tronco, flujo espiratorio máximo (FEM), volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo (VEF1) y capacidad vital forzada (CVF). Se utilizó el análisis de regresión múltiple para estimar los valores espirométricos en función de las variables demográficas y antropométricas. La CVF y el VEF1 tienen asociación lineal directa con el diámetro transverso de tórax, altura de tórax, perímetro de tórax y altura de tronco. Se ajustó una ecuación de regresión lineal múltiple que indicó que es posible estimar la CVF y el VEF11 en función de la altura de tronco y el perímetro de tórax para ambos sexos. Estas variables son capaces de explicar el 74 % de los valores de CVF y el 68 % de los valores de VEF1. Al comparar los valores obtenidos por nuestras ecuaciones predictivas con las ecuaciones de referencia nacional observamos que nuestros resultados son más cercanos a los de Quanjer et al. (2012) que a los de Knudson et al. (1983). La altura de tronco y el perímetro de tórax tienen asociación directa con el VEF1 y CVF y son buenos predictores del VEF1 y CVF en estudiantes universitarios. Nuestros valores estimados son más cercanos a las ecuaciones de Quanjer et al. (2012) en comparación a las estimaciones de Knudson (1983).
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    Percepción de la calidad de vida en para-deportistas y no deportistas chilenos con lesión cerebral
    (2022-07-26) Cornejo, María Isabel; Henríquez, Matías; Herrera, Felipe; Muñoz, Fernando; Bernardes, Nathalia; Auricchio, José Ricardo; Castelli Correia de Campos, Luis Felipe
    La calidad de vida (CV) y la actividad física son aspectos relevantes en la salud de la población, y esta última con un impacto positivo en las personas con discapacidad. Debido a esto, los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar las características e identificar la asociación entre los dominios de la percepción de la CV entre un grupo de personas con lesión cerebral que practican fútbol, para-deportistas (PD) y personas con lesión cerebral no para-deportistas (NPD), además determinar si existen diferencias en la percepción de la CV según las diferentes clases deportivas (FT1, FT2 y FT3). El estudio se desarrolló en Chile, donde se aplicó el cuestionario WHOQOL-BREF para determinar la CV de los participantes. Los resultados identificaron una relación positiva y significativa entre los distintos dominios de la CV (p < .001, r = .44 - .67). Además, se observó una mejor percepción de la CV en los PD (p < .001, TE = 1.18, grande) en comparación con lo reportado por el grupo NPD. Por otro lado, no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre los dominios para las diferentes clases deportivas en el grupo PD. Estos datos refuerzan la idea de que la práctica deportiva influye en la participación social y en la percepción de la CV en PD con lesión cerebral. El desarrollo conjunto de los factores asociados entre la salud y el bienestar socioemocional podrían colaborar con la consolidación de la práctica deportiva y de actividad física, los cuales, a su vez son beneficiosos para las personas con discapacidad tal como lo plantean los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible en su agenda de trabajo provista al año 2030.