Vidal-Silva, CristianSerrano-Malebran, JorgePereira, Felipe2022-11-302022-11-302019-111522-490210.1109/SCCC49216.2019.8966401 and designing computing-electronic solutions imply complex competences, which usually demand to restructure previous thinking and problem-solving knowledge. Both programming and computing-electronic design solutions ask for step-by-step thinking, and also being cautious regarding involved hardware items for the second one. Designing computing-electronic solutions is a non-trivial task since it unifies both worlds, even though platforms such as Arduino notably simplify that development. This article describes experiences of programming and computing-electronic teaching to a group of primary school children in Valparaiso-Chile by the use of Scratch and Tinkercad for the goal of developing programming and Arduino-based computing-electronic competences in school children. The obtained results demonstrate that children can effectively develop programming and computing-electronic theoretical and practical skills. These results also show that students can get abilities and enthusiasm to know more advanced skills and applications concerning sensing systems. Thus, programming and electronics can motivate the learning process in children.enScratchArduinoTinkercadAlgorithmProgrammingComputing-ElectronicCompetencesScratch and Arduino for Effectively Developing Programming and Computing-Electronic Competences in Primary School ChildrenArtículo de revista