Botto-Mahan, CarezzaCorrea, Juana P.Araya-Donoso, RaúlFarías, FranciscaSan Juan, EstebanQuiroga, NicolCampos-Soto, RicardoReyes-Olivares, ClaudioGonzález-Acuña, Daniel2022-06-032022-06-032022-061080-605910.3201/eid2806.220079 assessed 4 lizard species in Chile for Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, and 1 species for its ability to transmit the protozoan to uninfected kissing bugs. All lizard species were infected, and the tested species was capable of transmitting the protozoan, highlighting their role as T. cruzi reservoirs.enLizards as Silent Hosts of Trypanosoma cruziArtículo de revista